Cross-Cultural and Gender Center
Men's Success Initiative
Increasing student success by supporting the retention, access and campus culture for men of color/men
The Men's Success Initiative serves as a central resource for men of color at Fresno State. Our Mission »
Check out the myriad of resources and services that support the academic, academic success, financial literacy, leadership development and other areas of growth for the men of our campus community. List of Resources »
Peer mentors promote a sense of community while providing students with a direct channel for guidance and support. Request a Mentor »
Beginning in August, Jerry Gomez of Student Involvement will be hosting our weekly podcast. Episodes published at
All are welcome to attend any of our events designed to support our population men and promote resources, networking and activities that are key to student success.
Men, Masculinity and Leadership Panel Discussion
RSVP information to be announced.
President Joseph I. Castro
Phong Yang, Admissions and Recruitment
Estevan Parra, LGBT+ and Gender Programs and Services
T. J. Taylor, African American Programs and Services