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Cross-Cultural and Gender Center



We inspire, empower, and educate the Fresno State community through inclusive excellence and leadership to celebrate diversity, promote understanding, and nurture a sense of belonging.


To create and maintain a campus of respect, inclusion, and equal opportunity; where all members of the campus community thrive, free from oppression and discrimination.

African American

We are committed to increasing the academic performance, retention, and graduation of Black and African American students by creating a greater sense of belonging at Fresno State.

African American Programs  

American Indian

We strive to highlight, bring awareness to, advocate and stand in solidarity with our Native American/ Indigenous community.

American Indian Programs

Asian Pacific Islander

The Asian Pacific Islander Programs and Services at California State University, Fresno is a central location for students, staff, faculty, and community members to engage with the Asian Pacific Islander (API) history, experience, and culture. The program also partners and collaborates with campus departments, student organizations, and community partners to organize and facilitate events that directly support and address the needs of the API community.

API Programs



Our purpose is to provide a central location for all students that identify as Latino/a/x to come together to build community.
Additionally, the program strives to build partnerships with community organizations, student clubs, and campus departments in order to connect students to the resources available to them.
Latino/a Programs and Services also plan and facilitate programs that are rich and relevant to Latino/a/x themes and issues. 

Latino/a Programs


We seek to raise awareness of social misconceptions of sexuality/gender and create a safe space that allows self-exploration for all LGBTQ+ individuals.

LGBTQ+ Programs

In our center

You may find these services inside the CCGC Center
  • Affinity rooms to study, relax, meet others
  • Fliers for upcoming events
    Printing services for affiliated clubs
  • Q-Clothing Closet (trans and nonbinary student resources)
  • On-campus name change resources for Trans and
  • Nonbinary students
    Gender Inclusive Restroom map
    Menstrual products



Discrimination, Harrassment or Retaliation

  • CSU Executive Order 1096 and Executive Order 1097 provides faculty, staff, students and third parties a procedure to file complaints alleging violations of the California State University (CSU) systemwide policy prohibiting Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation against Employees, Students, or Third Parties.
  • This includes discrimination or harassment on the basis of Race/Color, National Origin/Ancestry, Marital Status, Religion, Gender/Sex, Gender Identify/Expression, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Military/Veteran Status, Medical Condition, Genetic Information, or Age.

  • Please note that submissions using this form might not be reviewed outside of normal business hours. If there is an immediate risk to health or safety, please call 911 or Fresno State Police Department at 559.278.8400.
  • See CSU Executive Order 1096
  • See CSU Executive Order 1097
  • Filing this report may begin the process of an inquiry into the information provided.
  • Please visit this site to make a report      Report Form

Title IX Form


Upcoming Events Calendar

You belong here.

The Cross Cultural and Gender Center (CCGC) is committed to fostering a sense of belonging at Fresno State. Whether through cultural heritage celebrations, awareness initiatives, or leadership development opportunities, the center serves as a hub for meaningful connections, learning, and empowerment. CCGC and all of its programming is open and available to all who are interested to participate, regardless of race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin.

Follow Us on Social Media

Cross Cultural and Gender Center

Thomas Administration Building, Room 110A
M/S TA35