Cross-Cultural and Gender Center
Incoming Students
Are you considering coming to Fresno State? Have you already been accepted and don’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place!
Information on potential resources for you!
The Cross Cultural and Gender Center exists to contribute significantly to the continued development of a safe and welcoming environment for the Fresno State community. We foster meaningful dialogue and activism that works to eliminate racism, sexism, heterosexism, and other forms of oppression.
The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) supports first-generation, low-income, educationally disadvantaged college students. EOP's services are designed to:
- create an environment that fosters a sense of community
- promotes integration to the University
- encourages use of campus resources
- guides students to achieve their academic, career, and personal goals
Location: Joyal Building, Room 224
Phone: 559.278.1787
Fresno State awards over a thousand scholarships totaling more than 3.8 million dollars in free money to incoming and continuing students. Institutional scholarships range from $100 to almost $35,000 and are awarded to both undergraduate and graduate students. Scholarships are offered by various colleges, departments, and organizations to students who meet specific criteria. Regardless of your accomplishments, interests, background, or GPA, we encourage all students to apply for scholarships.
Phone 559.278.6572
For more information on Dream Financial Aid please visit Financial Aid and Scholarships
Come pursue the Fresno State Spanish/Hmong Bilingual Authorization Program (BAP) Bilingual Authorization in Spanish or Hmong within the preliminary multiple subject credential program. BAP trains future teachers with the skills needed to support linguistically and culturally diverse students with the following:
- Skills in primary language (Spanish and Hmong)
- Skills in Language Development (ELD) in grades K-12, including preschool
- Using Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (SDAIE) strategies in self-contained classes
- Build multicultural knowledge in culturally and linguistically diverse families and communities
Contact Dr. Teresa Huerta for more information