Cross-Cultural and Gender Center
Gender Identity Terms
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The expected behaviors created by society that each gender must conform to
The classification of sex and gender into two distinct, opposite and disconnected forms of masculine and feminine
A scale of gender identities that range between and/or outside of the categories of male and female
One’s internal sense of self as either male, female, a blend of both or neither which
can be the same or different from a person’s sex assigned at birth.
A person who identifies with the female gender
A person who identifies with the male gender
A term for someone who has a gender identity that aligns with what they were assigned
at birth.
A term for someone who has a gender identity that does not align with what they were assigned at birth.

Definitions provided by "Genderqueer Identities", the Gender Equity Resource Center at Berkeley, and Gender Wiki.
This list is not exhaustive. If you have any suggestions for identities that should be added to the list, please contact us at